4 March 2011 - Cage 1.0 released

The first public release of Cage is now available from maven central.

About Cage

Cage is a CAPTCHA image generator java library. It is fast, small and simple. Its goal is to generate images that are easy to read for a human but impossible or at least very hard for a computer.



  • it is open source, Apache v2 licensed so it can be used in enterprise/proprietary projects too
  • it supports maven (available from the central maven repository)
  • it is fast (on the test pc 3-5 msec / image)
  • it is small (a single, small jar, no external dependencies, only Java 1.5 or newer is needed)
  • supports a wide variety of effects (symbol crowding, rotating, ripple - waving, outline shadowing and blurring)
  • has two predefined templates that mimics those captchas used by large email providers. See Templates for more info.
  • it is simple to use and integrate. See QuickStart for a fast start.